Giverslink- The Surest way of making cool cash

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Thousands of well meaning Nigerians have been earning 35%-40% of their Donations on a monthly basis without any string of pain or hard labor with GiversLink were your money works for you and not you working for money...



We are a community of likeminded individuals that are desperate to help one another and are constantly encouraging others to participate in this philanthropic activity. Our community help reduce the stress of financial hardship that many face in the world. WE BELIEVE IN THE SAYING THAT “….GIVERS NEVER LACK’’ irrespective of background, color, race, sex and age.
………we are here to change the world so join us.


At GiversLink you declare your wiliness to give help with amount in your local currency, after which your account will be rewarded  with a one -time registration bonus depending on the amount you provided help with .once the help is provided your account will start growing by 35% in 30days while you remain with your money till you are paired with whom to donate directly to. Your dashboard shows you your yield amount and date you can request for withdrawal. You cannot get help if you have not provided help .here we are all givers with no receiver and we believe that “givers never lack”.
              ……SO JOIN US.


35-40%   TODAY.
When you join our community you get a onetime welcome bonus in in your local currency. Welcome bonuses are given only once and not every time. ONLY THOSE WHO PLEDGE TO PROVIDE HELP (PH) FALL UNDER THIS BONUS RANGE
6,000 Welcome bonus
If you PH from 10,000-199,000
16,000 Welcome bonus
If you PH from 200,000-1,000,000
30,000 welcome bonus
If you PH from 1,000,000 and above
You get 10% form all deposit of the participant you invited to our community.
When a participant(GIVER) after requesting for payout decide to recommit same amount which he got to the system he will be given an extra 5% bonus in addition to the 35% bonus which make it a total of 40% withdraw able amount in the next 1-30 days. NEVER THE LESS;
We understand that everyone will love to earn money every 30days. We will like to inform you that this Community will last forever if only everyone makes a New Pledge to Provide another Help after they have Received Help knowing that the new Help you pledged to Provide will bring in another 35% in Local currency in 30days. It will keep the community running forever. As regards to this trend we encourage all participant(GIVERS) to recommit/donate an amount same or greater than the previous amount committed within 30days or stand a chance of being band from the system for eternity.


                                         WHY CHOOSE OUR COMMUNITY ACCESS TO HELPERS WORLDWIDE
When you join giverslink you gain access to millions of participant worldwide who are ready to provide help for free.
All giverslink participant are honest people drawn from all works of life who are ready to help at no cost.absolutly gratis.NO admin fee,No central account were all the money flow to(and were it can easily be stolen from).all the money is only on the banking accounts of the participant themselves.on a lot of millions and thousands private account of participant.participants transfer to each other directly we only regulate the process.nothing more……


In giverslink ,we belive that all assistant rendered will come back in great percentage.when you provide help to a member another will provide will provide help to you with 35% increase if help was provided in local currency in 30days maximum.If you are willing to do so join us now….


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