To get connected, come to Aju Love Connection professional event by 5pm. This Friday, Nov 25th. Are you at your ends wit? Do you work long hours and commute long hours and by Saturdays you are so exhausted to go any where or do anything with anybody?
Have you absolutely given up on Love? Are families and friends hounding you about still being single, are you so lonely? Have you completely given up and lost hope? Then AJU LOVE CONNECTION is definitely the answer for you.
If you are lonely that is your business but finding you a life partner is our business.
AJU Love Connection is on four major platforms:
- AJU Love Connection Professional Networking Event: In order to attend this show, you must be a professional, gainfully employed or be in business for yourself, and be interested in finding relationship that will lead to marriage. You can equally attend this event if you want to simply network with fellow professionals. It is going to be amazing.
- Online dating: which is global where from any where in the world people can connect with each other on
- Private Consultation: Our private consultation is very specific in nature. Here an individual informs us of his or her exact needs with respect to their future partner in terms of height, weight, colors, educational background, race, tribe and more. ALC is highly thorough with the provision and needs of this particular segment.
- MARRIAGE COUNSELING: We have in house professionals who counsel feuding couples and deescalate a situation to save marriages.
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