Officials Investigating Facebook Post By Ohio State Assailant Minutes Before Campus Attack
are investigating an anti-U.S. rant posted by Abdul Razak Ali Artan on
Facebook just minutes before his attack on Ohio State University
students on Monday, according to ABC News.
can’t take it anymore. America! Stop interfering with other countries,
especially the Muslim Ummah,” the post reads according to NBC News. “We are not weak. We are not weak, remember that.”
post was published minutes before the beginning of Artan’s rampage,
which left 11 people injured. Authorities are investigating his Facebook
page to see if the incident was a terrorism attack, according to CNN.
you want us Muslims to stop carrying lone wolf attacks, then make
peace,” the post reads. “We will not let you sleep unless you give peace
to the Muslims.”
law enforcement official told NBC News investigators they were also
trying to determine whether Artan had problems in his personal life or
if there was something that had pushed him over the edge.
Artan, 20, was a Somali refugee
who was in the U.S. as a legal permanent resident. Authorities have not
yet determined a motive for the attack and the investigation is
Artan left his birth country with his family in 2007, lived in Pakistan for a time and then came to the U.S. in 2014.
incident began Monday morning when the suspect drove a vehicle into
several people on campus before leaving the car and slashing victims
with a knife.
About 11 people were hospitalized, according to CNN, with one in critical condition. Artan was killed by OSU Police Officer Alan Horujko, 28, who shot him less than one minute after the attack began.
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