Confession of an ex-baldie : How I lost the love of my life all because I had terrible bald hair

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(& how an 100% Natural Secret Cured My Baldness in  29 Days!). Dear Loyal LIB Reader, If you are sick and tierd of walking around with Annoying Bald hair on your head, better read article to the very end.

The is Because in the Next 1 mins, you’ll discover how Bald hair make my life a living hell & how I also cured it after several “ultimate searches”.

But before I reveal all to you, here’s my horrible true life story…….         

My wicked Friends Laughed at Me all because I Had a Bald Hair…
My brothers and sisters being bald is so embarrassing oh!

All because of this bald hair matter my friends usually pure rains of insults like Half a Plot, moon head, mirror in the sun, express road, shine shinebobo..oh men!
In short, the insults got me so hard, I instantly became an introvert with no social life whatsoever.
Basically, my best friend was my books and maybe my mother lol
That was like 12 years ago.
Fast forward today, I now have a full hair, all thanks to the 100% Natural Secret!
But Truth is…
“It Runs in the Family BUT this amazing 100% Natural Cure Stopped it…Permanently!”
You see, my grandfather on my mothers side was bald!
My dad has a terrible bald hair too.
Even my mom suffers from hair loss too.
When I saw my mum elder sister’s own, Sister Ronke, then I know “the Struggle was real”, as the woman suffers from severe hair loss too, then I knew women too suffer from hair loss too.
See her here..

“If my Family Members Suffers from Serious Hair Loss, What Was in Store for Me?”
But one thing was sure, I will do everything I could to keep my hair from falling off!

I was losing my fine hair “slowly”!
It was falling out!
I was losing my youthful look
After like a week time

Look at this..
For over 7yrs I tried several things….
  • Is it mixing weed with spirt?
  • Is it using onion and vinegar?
  • I even used egg too.
My brothers and sisters I tried it all..
But nothing worked…but I got “Gingered” when the girl of my dream embarrassed me…
 Then the Turning point came when I feel deeply in love with one fine and fresh babe, Amaka Eze....

Amaka was the kind of babe I desire to get married to..beautiful, caring and loving.

I tried toasting her severally, but she “Friend-Zoned” me.

I tried all I could but this babe no gree oh!

So on this blessed day, I decided to ask her why she never even gave me any attention all.

Then she dropped the reason…

“She said, sorry Segun, Blad guys are not my type!”

I was so furious and disappointed…

So I asked why..

"Then she said, I will be make fun of, and people will use your bald hair to describe you as my boyfriend."

I never felt so embarrassed about my hair loss condition until that day.

I got angry and furious.

Then I went on a rampage to search for a quick solution to my Bald hair Palava.

For good 2 years, I tried all sort of things that never worked, then I was chatting with a Rotimi a friend of  mine at Abuja on facebook, then I told him about my Bald hair issues…he was surprise that I haven’t solved the problem, then he told me about a  Solution  called code named “Hair Loss Sniper” he used to cure his Hair Loss…

“Hair Loss Sniper!”
(Snazi Hair Serum + Hair Wonder)

So what’s the “Hair Loss Sniper” about?

Hair Loss Sniper is a Wicked Combination of the 2 Most Power Hair Loss Killers in the world.

They were crafted for JUST one thing….to send Hair Loss & Bald Head to where it came from!
Check them Out………

(1)    Snazi Hair Serum:

  • In less than a months  I got my sexy face back! 
  • I was getting my “Real Face” back! 
  • I was becoming the man I want to look like! 
  • I was gaining my confidence back!
Get Hair Loss Sniper here=>

BEST PART: It works for Both Men and Women!

Hair Wonder promote healthier and more vibrant hair. It will make it look darker and smoother, every your wifey will love torching your hair after using it!

Formulated with refined Natural herbs and certified by NAFDAC hair wonder gives you that long, thick & strong hair that grows rapidly!

Here are some of the ingredients in
·   Moringaoleifera,
·   Peppermint
·   Sweet almond oil
·   Sunflower oil
·   Soya-bean oil
·   Castor oil
·   Olive oil
·   Ginger
·   Garlic
·   Aloe Vera and more.

The Crazy  Combination of this 2 “Hair Loss Sniper” gave me rapid hair growth!
Get the Kit Here=>

At first the hair was not re-growing first, but after like 7 days of usage I saw some small small  cool changes! 

  • In less than a months  I got my sexy face back! 
  • I was getting my “Real Face” back! 
  • I was becoming the man I want to look like! 
  • I was gaining my confident
    Hair Wonder promote healthier and more vibrant hair. It will make it look darker and smoother, every your wifey will love torching your hair after using it!

    Formulated with refined Natural herbs and certified by NAFDAC hair wonder gives you that long, thick & strong hair that grows rapidly!

    Here are some of the ingredients in
    ·   Moringaoleifera,
    ·   Peppermint
    ·   Sweet almond oil
    ·   Sunflower oil
    ·   Soya-bean oil
    ·   Castor oil
    ·   Olive oil
    ·   Ginger
    ·   Garlic
    ·   Aloe Vera and more.

    The Crazy  Combination of this 2 “Hair Loss Sniper” gave me rapid hair growth!
    Get the Kit Here=>

    At first the hair was not re-growing first, but after like 7 days of usage I saw some small small  cool changes! 

    • In less than a months  I got my sexy face back! 
    • I was getting my “Real Face” back! 
    • I was becoming the man I want to look like! 
    • I was gaining my confidence back!
    Get Hair Loss Sniper here=>

    BEST PART: It works for Both Men and Women!

    Get Yours Here=>
    Get the Hair Loss Sniper Here=>

     Check Out Testimonials of People who have used it..

    Remi Used to Have Chronic Bald Hair that Made him Always go on SKIN cut…all thanks to the Hair Loss Sniper, he got his swags back!
    Meet my Girl friend Shalewa, Bald hair brought Us together, now we got 100% Natural Hair that we rock together!

    Get Yours Here=>
       Here’s  Mr Crownstone Head, an American man who also use the “Hair Loss Sniper” and now, he is an happy man with a full hair!

    Get Yours Here=>

    I Used the Bald Hair Sinper Kit  for good 2 months then I saw amazing results as you have seen above!


    Due to how effective this Hair Loss Sniper is, you have to JUST use it twice a day because too much of usage can give you so much hair very fast!

    So take heed…

    At first I was skeptical as hell…with a hell lot of scams around what do  we believe?

    But I had to give it a try first….

    I got in contact with the direct supplier  who sold if for me the Hair Loss Sniper Kit for over N30,000 per kit, so I got a 3 month kit (i.e N30,000 x 3= N90,000) for a  3 month treatment as my hair loss is very severe

    But have no fear….you’ll NEVER pay a fraction of that price!

    Are you a Man Suffering from Baldness?

    Are You a Woman Suffering from Hair Loss?

    Then this is the best thing you’ll ever get in Nigeria!

    Truth be told, I have used it and I can testify to it’s power.

    Now it’s time for you to try it too.

    So how much is the Hair Loss Sniper?

    Very Very Easy!
    Due to a lot of pleading and begging for a REDUCED price, I’ve decide  to give it to you at a reduced price…

    Option (#1)
    (1 One Snazi + Hair Wonder)==> N15,000 ONLY

    (Best for Chronic Hair Loss Problems)

    But you’ll have to get this offer TODAY!


    I am Shooting Up the Price of the solution  to N35,000  in 7 days time!

    So  there you go…choose the one that  will solve  your Hair Loss issue FASTER and start sending your testimonies to us too!

    No More Funny Names!
    No more embarrassing Looks!
    No More Round Abouts!

    As you can now  be..
    ⦁    Happy
    ⦁    Confident
    ⦁    Beautiful
    ⦁    Handsome
    ⦁    Complete

    When you get the Hair Loss Sniper kit!

    Lock Down Your Slot Here==>

    Believe me…hair loss could be embarrassing, it could make you feel “incomplete” as the “crown” of your beauty-Your Hair is Shaky and not even full.

    Get it here==>

    Finally say  good “bye” to your annoying Hair Loss and Baldness
    (Best for Mild Hair Loss Problem)

    Option (#2)
    (3 Snazi Hair Serum + 1 Hair Wonder)==> N26,000 ONLY

    There you go…all you need to get this ruthless Baldness & Hair Loss Terminator is JUST N15,000 for the 1st Option & N25,000 for the second option  instead of the normal price of N60,000, how ridiculous?

    More Info Here==>

    OR do this….
    Option #1 (1 Bottle of Snazi & One Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N15,000

    Option 2# (3 Bottles of Hair Snazi Serum & 1 Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N26,000

    Send the follow info as an SMS to

    Send as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option 2**Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

    All to==>  0909-515-9064

    We have MEN & WOMEN fighting over this little slot that we have as it’s VERY VERY Scarce!
    So better hurry and send over your orders right away!

    Yes you heard that!

    Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.

    To eliminate the fear of being scammed, we only offer cash on delivery.

    Simple: You’ll receive it within 3-5 business days & pay the dispatch the cash On delivery!

    I really hope you don't miss out in the 47 available slots.

    Frequently Asked Questions
    Question: How Effective is the Amazing Hair Loss Sniper? Killer?

    Extremely effective, I have used it and in less than a 1 month,  I have already got a full blow hair back!

     All thanks to the Hair Loss Sniper Baldness Killer!

     I promise you’ll regain your youthfulness when you grab this amazing Baldness curing cream today.

     So don’t dull yourself, place your orders ASAP or risk being Yabbed by close friends and even enemies lol

    Option #1 (1 Bottle of Snazi & One Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N15,000

    Option 2# (3 Bottles of Hair Snazi Serum & 1 Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N26,000

    Send the follow info as an SMS to
    Send as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option 2**Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

    All to==>  0909-515-9064

    Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.

    To eliminate the fear of being scammed, we only offer cash on delivery.

    Questions: Can women with Hair Loss Use?
    Yes Women with extreme hair loss can grab the amazing Snazi hair Loss Solution as it prevents hair loss and boost hair growth too.

    Option #1 (1 Bottle of Snazi & One Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N15,000

    Option 2# (3 Bottles of Hair Snazi Serum & 1 Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N26,000

    Send the follow info as an SMS to
    Send as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option 2**Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

    All to==>  0909-515-9064
    Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.

    To eliminate the fear of being scammed, we only offer cash on delivery.

    Question: Hope the Price will not Increase Soon?
    : YES the price will shoot up in the next 5 working days to as high as  N15,000 & N26,000 is just a bonanza price that will last for just 5 working days!

    Now your know what you need to know about this amazing Baldness Killer, so what are you waiting for?

    Send the follow info as an SMS to
    Send as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option 2**Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

    All to==>  0909-515-9064

    Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.

    To eliminate the fear of being scammed, we only offer cash on delivery.

    If I use if for 3 Months  and it I don’t see The Effect Can I Ask For Refund?
    Answer: Although results are not typical, but if you use it for a full 3 months and you still don’t see any result at all, Yes you can, I will send over your money and will even tell you to keep the all the product!

    In short…

    You Are Covered By Uncle Segun  No Super Story, Iron Clad Take it to the Bank 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!

    Now that you see, that we mean serious business, what are you waiting for?

    Go ahead & Place Your Order today!

    Go ahead, place your order and regain your confidence!

    Option #1 (1 Bottle of Snazi & One Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N15,000

    Option 2# (3 Bottles of Hair Snazi Serum & 1 Jar of Hair Wonder)==> N26,000

    Send the follow info as an SMS to
    Send as SMS to=> 0909-515-9064

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option #1(or Option #2)* Name*Delivery Address*Local Govt**Active Phone Number**

    **Hair Loss Sniper**Option 2**Kolapo Yussuf* 3 Olatuji Salami Street, Kano State*Kano Local Govt*08107272602**

    All to==>  0909-515-9064

    Once we receive your details, one of our agents will confirm the order, and We dispatch your order.

    To eliminate the fear of being scammed, we only offer cash on delivery.

    To sweating the offer…

    Deliver is Free!

    **Delivery for Orders Within Lagos is 24-48 Hours
    **Delivery for Orders Outside Lagos is Within 3-5 Working Days  

    You’ll receive it within 3-5 business days & pay the dispatch the cash on delivery!

    I really hope you don't miss out in the 47 available slots.

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